I annotated this feature from Q magazine because it is different to the feature in Kerrang magazine. In this magazine the feature on uses one photograph which is the background for the page, and it is a photo which would have been taken for this specific feature, unlike in the Kerrang article they used random photos of the artist.
However, both magazines use the usual conventions most magazines use such as, the drop capital, the text being in columns and body text. But, the article featured in Q uses sub-headings, has a headline and a uses graphic design.
I prefer the layout of this article, I like that the photograph is the background and the main focus of Florence takes up a whole page. Q has continued the red, white and black colour scheme into the feature, the red matches Florence's hair and the black matches her clothes which makes her stand out against the white/grey background.The image Q has used is Florence sitting down but she is posing in a strong position and creating many different angles with her arms and legs. Her clothes are contrasting against one another, she is wearing very short, black, leather shorts which are very prevocative, with a long sleeved, tutrle-neck, black jumper which is very subdude.